For me, the scariest bit was that women (presumably) who nodded enthusiastically when Matt mentioned giving kids Lupron but then who refused to say it was a drug and even wanted to end the interview. To me that shows she knows it’s wrong!

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Scant few want to discuss the reality of evil. M. Scott Peck’s “People of the Lie” is, perhaps, more compelling today than when first published in 1985. That such a question is asked “What is a woman?” which cannot be answered, meets the criteria Peck used to define the key characteristics of evil.

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Such an important book which indeed needs a broad reading in this day.

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People go right to the issue of penises in women’s spaces because it’s the most salient, of course. To shut the conversation down at this point in this manner is the trademark of an abusive gaslighter

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Exactly. I’m so sad for young girls and women being forced to experience such truly traumatic circumstances. To feel unsafe in a woman’s restroom or locker room and/or to be forced to compete against biological males is shameful to me. Is this such a tiny minority, then give them a single bathroom of their own. One and done.

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Yeah, 100%. And offer trans athletes leagues of their own as well… if it’s a natural phenomena and so many ppl are transing bc of wider acceptance, there should be plenty to participate!!

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Well, I watched it. One thing that struck me as odd in the whole debate is that everybody seems to base the definition of the sex of an individual on the "big things", emergent phenomena like body type, hair, breasts, vaginas, penises. Hormones in this particular debate only serve the purpose to help or hinder the bodies express these traits.

Why do functional aspects of ovaries and uterus or testes not feature more prominently? They not only restrict (or define) what you are but also provide a person with one of two distinct sets of biological capabilities. There is no ambiguity in the gametes and the organs that produce them. So a woman is an organism that produces eggs in her ovaries, a man is an organism that produces sperms in his testes. That is a simple definition, but not a deceptive one.

It would provide a solid basis to discuss the emergent and fluid stuff.

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I found the film as disturbing as you did. The absurdity and irrationality in the face of objective truth about the 2 physical sexes is more than disturbing. What is their objective??? To make those of us who acknowledge basic biology as not objective truth? To make us feel insane? To destroy a generation of youth, particularly impressionable girls, who are susceptible to such trends (as observed with the epidemic of eating disorders in this population sone time ago)? KK, what do you believe is really behind this insane absurdity that we know is dangerous to society in many levels?

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That woman is a doctor. Bloody hell. Get educated people and protect your children

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