Feb 14, 2023Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I'm not a smart guy, but I like to think I have a good intuition when it comes to people's character. I got bad vibes listening to the DTG guys, and your analysis of them gave me vindication. Conversely I got good vibes listening to You and Francis the first time I watched Triggernometry, you struck me as well intentioned and principled people, and nothing I've heard from you so far ha changed my mind of that. So keep doing what your doing and don't prove me wrong by turning out to be nonces or something 😉

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I wonder K if these people merely feed off you? So when your Oxford video gos viral, by attacking it, they get readers. It's a parasitical relationship. Lesser people inventing disputes to gather an audience

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I'm pretty sure this is 90% of it which is why I generally ignore it.

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I'm struck by the similarities between what you have to say about good and bad faith actors and what is called 'virtue epistemology', associated among others, with Massimo Pigliucci.

In brief, the pursuit of knowledge requires us to conduct ourselves virtuously. The Wikipedia article on the subject lists the following: Non-dismissive consideration of arguments; Charitable interpretation of opposing arguments; Awareness of one's own presuppositions and potential for being mistaken; Consultation of expert knowledge; Reliability of source material; Knowledge of what one is talking about rather than merely repeating others' opinions.

If only, eh?

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