A good read Konstantin. Thank you.

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Talk about an inferiority complex…

No mention of the aid, technology and democracy the west has exported to the rest of the world. Funnily no mention of the Russian serfdom (slavery), holodomor, gulags and the Soviet Union’s export and support for communist regimes which were a disaster for most countries affected. Every country has blood on their hands? Also no mention of the $180 billion in lend lease US provided the Soviet Union in WW2. Weird.

What is starting to grind my gears is that both the far left and far right in the west are now committed to undermining ourselves. The far left via all the usual means and the far right has lost all patriotism and is now conspiratorial and contrarian. Look at how quick all the MAGAs came out to say US blew up Nordstream, playing straight into Putins hands.

Putin can have his multi polar world he just might be suprised how few countries voluntarily join his.

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Those are reasonable historical arguments, but I think parents 1 or 2 who find themselves among the new right weigh the present more strongly than the past. Current Western leadership seems to prefer economic destruction, self-hatred, and undemocratic "emergency" policies. By some strange intellectual jiu jitsu, democracy is good but populism is bad. Compared to that, Putin makes sensible points.

Did the US blow up Nordstream? We don't know, and it's a huge disaster that we have no transparency on whether our government committed an act of war against nuclear-armed Russia. It certainly seems plausible that the US would end Nordstream 2, after the President committed to doing that. The alternative that Russia would destroy its biggest bargaining chip sounds far fetched, although anything is possible.

If that statement undermines the US, so be it. It also undermines the claim that people like me are "far right", "MAGA" nationalist crazies.

Even US client states are backing away... https://asiatimes.com/2022/08/japan-korea-defy-us-with-big-russian-energy-deals/

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Which major western institution has replaced 'Father' and 'Mother' with Parents 1 and 2? I will concede there are artefacts here and there with some looney 'inclusive' language but it's a bit of a stretch to say this is now mainstream in the west.

Economic destruction? Perhaps, but who is the benchmark here? Russia or China? The sanctions on Russia are essentially a self inflicted destruction in the long run, and China's lockdowns, demography bomb and property Ponzi scheme is not ideal either. Covid f*cked every country, I don't know exactly what you expected to happen.

Who said populism is bad? Some left leaning news websites you don't like? Populist parties have taken power in many diplomatic countries already. I don't see your victim narrative playing out at all in terms of the halls of power.

I am not a fan of Biden, but it's pretty obvious he was talking about the diplomatic pressure US could apply to get Germany to back out of NS2. NS2 wasn't even operational yet, that's why Biden said the US could still influence it. He said nothing about NS1. Plus, as stupid as you think the US Gov/Intelligence is, they wouldn't be dumb enough to foreshadow their own terrorist attack, and also warn Germany about the risk.

My point was not about that specific statement, or that the US doesn't do a tonne of dodgy sh*t. My point was, any intellectual jiu jitsu you are trying to perform that might make you think the US has had a more negative influence on the world than Russia or China is misguided. It's literally, guided by psyops of those countries. We are now in Cold War 2. Russia has no left wing, and only a patriotic Right Wing. the US has a self-sabotaging left wing and a conspiratorial anti-gov right wing. The question is, do you want to win this Cold War or lose it? Maybe you might just have to overlook some of your own countries faults to focus on the faults of our adversaries primarily..

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Is the US Government a major western institution? Most US college students fill out this financial aid form (see page 3, Q24/25): https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/2022-23-fafsa.pdf

The economic benchmark is business-as-usual, which many of us remember, but that is now described as an unacceptable scenario because of climate models.

Ursula van der Leyen: "We will never let the nationalists and the populists, who want to divide and destroy the European Union, hijack what our European way of life means." https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/SPEECH_19_6315

What makes it obvious that Biden was talking only about diplomatic pressure to end NS2? Biden is known to go off script, and there are reasons to give Germany a heads up about the risk. It's not like Germany would suddenly start shadowing US submarines or divulge secret activities. There is certainly tension between describing others as "conspiratorial" while writing about "psyops" as indisputable facts.

Regarding your last point, history is written by the winners, and so I don't think the US has been worse for the world than China or Russia. Nevertheless, I don't see Russia now as particularly expansionist. The claim that we have to stop Russia in Ukraine before they attack something we really care about reminds me of the discredited Domino Theory that was used to justify the Vietnam War. It's not a war that we have to get involved in. When has arming nationalists to fight a proxy war against Russia/USSR ever backfired on the US? Let's see, are there any countries that start with A?

I also disagree that this is a cold war. Russia has been holding back and probably wants to avoid causing a rally-around the flag effect before the US elections.

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Those are some valid counterpoints.

That form crashes my browser, but I believe you. However, I also remembered gay marriage and adoption is legal. So it makes perfect sense, given that legal fact, to have ungendered language on legal forms. You could argue gay marriage and adoption shouldn’t be legal, but that’s a different argument to saying there’s something sinister about having ungendered language for parents given the legality of gay adoption.

I agree we are self sabotaging ourselves with energy policy, but I don’t see anyone serious calling to cancel economic growth to mitigate climate change. Most, quite rightly point out there’s a trade off. I am hoping you concede climate change is real, so there’s basically a spectrum between ‘do nothing to prevent the root cause, and spend money on mitigation when the problems start getting bad’ and ‘do everything to prevent the root cause, sacrifice current economic benefit for hypothetically more sustainable benefit in the long run’. I don’t think there’s a ‘correct’ answer on that spectrum, other than either extreme being a bad idea.

I don’t get the problem Ursula speech? It’s democracy, non populists are allowed to criticised populists. Just like how populists constantly criticise elites and establishment. That doesn’t mean there’s any conspiracy to prevent populism, populist parties are allowed to form, run in elections and win. If you are claiming populist parties are the only democratic parties that should be allowed to run, you’re on your way to authoritarianism there. Populist doesn’t mean it’s the will of the people, it means the party has a dumbed down messsge with mass appeal, especially in uncertain times. Many people prefer to vote for parties with more balanced views.

The fact it was in the context oof sanctions, not of war activity. Plus the fact that’s literally what happened, US pressured Germany to back out of NS2. Think about the risk to the US if the world found out they did it. They sabotaged an allies infrastructure? Why would the US take that risk just to get a bit more leverage over Germany? Russia has a pretty clear incentive, they couldn’t legitimately claim maintenance issues were blocking it over winter, so they needed an excuse that took gas delivery out off the table for that period. Ok that’s a fair point, psyops may be too strong a world for state propaganda.,That said, Russian bot farms are real, look up Internet Research Agency. It’s not far fetched to think they infiltrate western social media platforms to spread conspiracy theories and disunity.

History is revised to suit the country that’s teaching and publishing it. That said, I don’t think I am biased in saying Russia and China killed more people unnecessarily than the US in the last century. Russia expanded into Georgia, Crimea and now the Donbas? That’s the most expansionist (in terms of annexing new territory) any major country has been in the last 50 years! It’s not a domino argument, it’s international law. What’s the point of sovereign borders if there’s no repercussions to big countries annexing land of smaller ones. That’s fine for you if you live in a big country and terrifying if you live in a small one. Do you want to live in that world?

Russia provided weapons to North Korea, North Vietnam and Assad, all used to kill Americans. Was that right or wrong? Either way that’s the reality of a Cold War, and now Russia is on the other end of it, too bad. Should America have sent $180 billion in lend lease to the Soviet Union to help defeat the Nazis? You are welcome to be an isolationist, that’s a valid viewpoint but I just want to make sure you’ve thought through the implications in the future and the past of that policy.

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Regarding Parent 1/2 and UvdL, I was just pointing out that your original statements were wrong. It's useful to keep track of falsehoods.

Wake me up when Russia invades Poland. Inter-slavic conflict in Russian speaking regions is not something to hyperventilate over.

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Read my comments again. I didn’t make statements that were wrong. I asked you questions, who was using parents 1/2 and who was saying populism was bad? I didn’t say neither happened, I was trying to understand who you were talking about. Once that was clarified, I pointed out the reasons behind those examples.

Wars don’t matter if the opponents speak a similar language? Ok.

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Yes Putin always makes amazing speeches that i fully agree with, yet Russia as far as i can see has HAARP bases and is part of the geoengineering programme, fully embraced the COVID jab scam and is part of the Rothschild central banking cartel... how does one square that with this amazing speech?

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It’s simple how you square it, he’s manipulating you. He’s trying to stir up anti establishment contrarians in the west to undermine their own societies and institutions. He can do whatever he wants domestically, he just wants the west to be as divided, and conspiratorial against their own gov as possible.

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Konstantin, interesting to see The Duran’s analysis on Putin’s speech and also their on Russia vs Ukraine/The Collective West, which is 180 different to Western MSM and Gvts…


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Duran sounds very similar to the Russian word for "fool".

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What a clown. "As far as I am concerned, these regions are now part of Russia". Huh? Russia don't even control large swathes of the regions they've claimed to have annexed, how does that work? Any logic trying to defend this has to be consistent and defend Hitler taking the Sudetenland! Kherson and Zaporizhzhia aren't even majority Russian speaking!

Then this clown goes on to fawn over this speech and claim 'no-one discusses colonialisation' in Britain...despite it being taught in school and forced down students throats in uni. Why does he think statues of Churchhill were attacked? Another contrarian for the sake of it...

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Konrad, hence my point above. It’s 180 degrees different to what we are being told elsewhere. Also listen to what Colonel Douglas Macgregor in USA is saying on the military analysis aspect. Also 180 degrees different to what we are being told by Western MSM and Gvts.

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Ok I watched to the end, these were some of their claims

1) MSM is 'obsessed' with the pending liberation of Lyman, which according to them is a side show

2) MSM claim that 'millions' have fled Russia, when it's 'only' 300,000 or so

3) MSM claim that Russia's economy is 'collapsing' when it's not

4) MSM aren't covering the Nordstream sabotage.

In response

1) It's being treated as an important development in the war, and given the quantity of units being encircled, it seems like it is? I don't really get their argument

2) I couldn't find any MSM article that claimed 'millions'. They all use the term 'thousands'. Total straw man.

3) Not really, I generally see a balance of articles saying Russia is hurting (for valid reasons like brain drain and lack of high tech components) and that Russia is doing fine due to energy costs and finding new markets. e.g. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/16/politics/russia-sanctions-ukraine-slow-economic-pain/index.html

4) Wtf? Nordstream was front page news for days on MSM. Just google it, there's tonnes of articles. Most of them blame Russia, but The Duran's argument was that 'its not being covered' which was 'suspicious' and indicates the guilt of US.

There was like 100 things wrong with this video, I don't have time to debunk it all

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Sean, my question to you would be, why are you interested in these contrarians? I understand you are just pointing out their different take, but why are you following them? These guys are trying to appeal to people who have lost faith in the MSM (which overlaps with KK's readership), but their contrarian takes are just as flawed. I don't know this colonel but based on wiki:

"In 2004, Macgregor stated that he strongly supported war against Iraq"

"By 2020, his website called the war in Iraq a failure"

Not saying you can't change your mind, but that doesn't strike me with confidence in his judgement.

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Hi Konrad, very good question on why I’m even listening to ‘contrarians’. The answer is: 1) in the UK, the whole Brexit Referendum (pre, during, post) taught me to be much more Questioning of All sides, and not to blindly trust Gvt, Institutions and the MSM; it’s also awakened me to the culture ‘war’ we are in, as Jordan Peterson and others have been saying for years.; 2) then when Covid-19 came in Dec 2019, I began to question all areas. Having grown up in Africa, and being fortunate to be close to several leading Dr’s, I found I was getting more useful Evidence Based Medicine feedback from Dr’s and Scientists in Africa, Australia. Asia and USA, than I was from UK NHS Dr’s and UK Public Health and Gvt. I know Dr’s who have treated circa 7000 patients and not lost one or had one go to hospital.... And guess what... these Dr’s are NOT using the the Gvt or Public Health Big Pharma protocols, but are using repurposed existing cheap medicines in combination therapy with 80-99% “Absolute” Efficacy, not the 95% “Relative” Efficacy on which we were sold the C19 mRNA injections, which for Pfizer equates to circa 0.84% Absolute Efficacy. The numbers and data, with great analysis on Substack, is all playing out showing the African Dr’s and others not following The Narrative, we’re right all along. So, through and from Brexit and now C19, I have lost Trust in what Gvt and MSM say and tell us, as “The Narrative”, so I Question, Question, Question and try to listen and learn from all sides.

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Thanks Sean, that makes sense. I agree with 'not blindly trusting Gvt and MSM', but I just want to point out that losing all 'trust in what the Gvt and MSM say and tell us' is not the only alternative. Make sure you give them credit when they are accurately reflecting something you believe to be true. If you are only noticing or judging them when they are not accurately reflecting something you believe to be true, you are stuck in confirmation bias. If they are right about 90% of topics (or whatever percentage you are happy to accept), then the point of view that assumes they are wrong about everything, will be wrong 90% of the time.

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Agreed Konrad.

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