There is a delicious irony here: western woke ideology sees itself as inclusive and anti-imperialist, and Putin cleverly presents it as a homogenizing, racist neo-colonial plot.

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Like it or not Vlad, the ‘Western Hegemon’ globalised period of 1990-2020 has lifted more people in the world out of poverty, conflict and misery than ever before in human history. The west does not by and large impose its values, immigrants come from all over the world to the west and voluntarily embrace its values. None of this explains why 100K Ukrainians need to die, what, to show Russia doesn’t bow to the west? The ultimate ‘revenge’ on the west Vlad would be making your country’s people richer and being a force for good in the world, which you and your oligarchy refuse to do.

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I find great interest in Putin's true morality and intentions lately. I live in Kentucky, so I don't expect the news I usually encounter when I don't dig for it is little more than western propaganda. I find it hard to believe Russia destroyed their own pipeline or that they want to take over the world. It's seeming apparent they just want to live their way free from foreign influence. It strange at times I sympathize with Russia. I know little about the way they live over there however, I’m jealous that they seem to be able to live happily and free from woke nonsense. As a nation we have lost God and by association lost our way. I would love to blame the Democrats but I can’t. I also know It’s not the fault of capitalism because it has brought so many people from poverty. People say we need progress, but I find it quite opposite. We need to regress back to simplicity and end this mindset of victimization. I leaned on being a victim of a “disease” called drug addiction. This led me to think there was nothing I could do about it. However, when I stopped being a victim and started being a man everything changed. I have to thank people like Jordan Petterson and a few others for that. The west wants to destroy people like that and praise people that want to mutilate kids and sterilize everyone. I would like to see a study on Russian’s fertility rate or maybe even a disconnected land like North Korea. I for one am tired of being told who to hate by people I don’t trust. Sorry I got off topic with this.

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Thanks for the rough translation. I can't speak to what Putin's intention are. However, I must say that he nailed it with his description of the "neocolonial west." Your commentary about Qatar and the World Cup points out yet another manifestation of what he's talking about.

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". . . because people are stupid." I feel your pain. I was once admitted to hospital with a mangled limb. Having been administered some tongue loosening drug, the doc asked if I was allergic to anything. "only stupid people", I responded.

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