As an immigrant to Canada I am tired of the ignorant hatred leveled at this country. These idiots need to travel more and study history other than that taught by Marxist professors to gain a better understanding of their fortunate environment.

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Hi Konstantin,

Whose teaching our children to hate this country? On FOX "news" and right wing radio, all I ever hear is what's wrong with this country: The crime, the immigrants, Elections, Environmental regulations, women's rights, on and on.. but, on Bill Maher last week, you both seemed to think it is the "left" that hates this country. I don't think so. I'm a bit left of center, if you call believing in human rights, justice, clean air and water, fair elections, child labor laws, 40 hour work weeks, "leftist" I thought I was being a good American. Kevin L Bazur

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But defunding police, taking away parents’ rights, allowing children to make decisions as young as 5 over the parent, mining in China for batteries for electric cars, allowing crime to run rampant, removing free speech in classrooms, to name a few, has NOTHING to do with human rights and justice. Fair elections???

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Whose calling for defunding the police? I'm sure there was a knee jerk reaction after the death of George Floyd but I believe most were calls to REFORM some police departments. I lived in Minneapolis in he late 70's and the police were brutal then, 40 years later they were still at it. So..yeah, they could use some reforming. As for crime, NYC isn't even in the top 25 of worst cities for crime. In fact NYC's rate is lower than Indianapolis, St Louis, Tampa, and Houston, too name a few but you'd never know it by watching FOX news. AND, it wasn't the "left" that stormed the Capitol, backed unfounded election claims and endorsed a known con man, grifter and serial adulterer.

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> Says that he doesn't hate the country.

> Immediately calls half the country bigots.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Do you believe in this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." ?

If you do, the woke-left will call you 'Sexist, Racist, (and) Prejudiced'; that's a direct quote from an article. They will also scorn the very notion that 1776 represents the beginning of a great new experiment in government. Instead they will cite 1619 as the birth of nation founded and irretrievably damned by slavery. What is that if not self-hate?

I find all this a disgrace to history, decency, and all the liberties for which the likes of MLK fought and died; not to mention the quarter of a million or so who died to save my country from the Nazism. And worst of all, such pseudo-intellectual fashions seem to find their way to the mid-wits in our little island. Please stop, we have enough troubles of our with Putin and the French.

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As an attorney, I am against all forms of censorship, including censorship of Donald Trump, even though I don't like the guy. I don't think it's safe to assume that if you are "woke'' your a lefty. In fact some of these woke people have more in common with the right wing nuts, rather than the progressives. I think the woke mentality just gives ammunition to the right wing. I'm with Bill Maher, if you don't like it; don't go, or watch, or read, or partake but don't tell me what I can or cannot do. Thanks for your comment! Kevin B

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