This excellent discussion between first-rate users of thought and reason underlines two things for me. The first is, as Jordan Peterson has explained more than once, there isn’t a “right” and “wrong” in political thinking, there are only preferences by different personality structures, and we all have to live in a fair amount of peace and harmony with others who do not think as we do. The second is, as Konstantin Kisin points out here and there, the old terms of “right” and “left” in political thinking have become more or less obsolete, and the only truly wise course is to be “politically non-binary”, and to stand up for, and discuss and defend with articulacy, any policies that you find wisest in whichever ways you perceive as in the best interests of society – except for the ones which could put such discussion out of bounds or which are imposed purely by force rather than overall democratic or group consent. And don’t fall for having to agree with every aspect of any particular party line without being a bit more discriminatory. (No, that doesn’t mean anything to do with unfair “discrimination”!)

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In order to be free there must be order, otherwise all one is doing is battling to survive. Order is not an end in itself, but a structure to allow a free people to choose their paths. I'm reminded of a college humanities class in the mid-70's where the professor instructed us to write an essay on why there would always be a conflict between science and religion. I didn't accept his premise and wrote why religion and science can co-exist without conflict.

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