The problem with the harassment charge is not that it is selectively enforced, but that it exists in the first place. Speech should not be criminalized, period. In the US, players who yell at umpires get thrown out of the game. One of the few things, apparently, that we do better than Australians.

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I don’t knowcwhy, but at the moment, I am swept away on the thought of the Culture War. First, I thought it was just a gimmick phrase for click bait porn. However, after one of Konstantin's speeches, where he said, "I dont mind if I am accused of being a culture warrior because our culture is worth fighting for", something was ignited inside me. Like a candle to light my way through the dark corridors of my despair back to the comfort of my room of hope. Konstantin tends to do that to me when he gives a speech. Very annoying as it keeps me up thinking and what not 🙄.

I do believe our culture is worth fighting for, but even more so, our future is worth fighting for too. To know where we are going, we need to know where we came from and all that got us here. However, here is where I feel all alone. People who haven't been captured by the current ideology just want to go back to the past and have it the way it was back then. The people captured they the ideology want to remain in the present and only care about what they get now, as the future is doomed. Both past and present cannot be the future and wanting it to be so is not living or fighting for the future, it is choosing to live in a purgatory. No one wants to look to the future, as half, don't like it because it doesn't resemble the past anymore, and the other half don't want to look at it,because it has an inheritance of crippling debt, world with hostile and deadly weather and wars they have no ability to fight.

I believe if we have inspiration, passion and hope to build a future then all the problems with, love, marriage, family, community, and care will resolve naturally. If there is a future not to fear but fiercely have hope in creating, then you will want to have children to put in that awesome future. The baby boomers were a result of a newfound hope for the future after WW2. We need that newfound hope again. The Culture War maybe what will bring that newfound hope to our door.

Konstantin seems to be the only one who has that spark of hope brightening up his eyes and inflaming his words of inspiration and guidance. He says "I am only pointing out the obvious," but it is so much more than that, he is holding a torch over the signs we need to read to find our way through uncertainty.

The future is not in the past of ridged rules and judgment nor is it TikToking the present away, hoping the future will never come.

Who is going to inspire us not hate or fear the future but to have hope in it again?

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Loved your Oz content, you do have to break the sound guys knees though.

You are right, they're not there yet, but unlike the UK and the USA they're already talking about it, seem to be aware of it, and have secured their borders in the past... They "way" is familiar at least.

For me Australia always seemed to be living the "American dream" Americans forgot about and the British tried to do with some tape and tweed... At least in the past.

Thanks KK, good one as always

See you on the 18th.


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Brilliant essay Konstantin. As an Australian "above middle aged white male", I watch all of this with interest. The left are trying so hard to drag us into the mire of wokism and bind us to some weird ideal that can never work. Yesterday in The Free Press, I read an incredible article about Martin Luther King's associate, Bayard Rustin. A genuine prophet who predicted all of this. He shared that it arose after 1964 when America had basically cured it's race problems, but a band of activists who were dedicated to "never allowing success to happen" were the architects of what is going on now. And it makes incredible sense.

Thank heavens, I reckon, for the Aussie working man. He has a bullshit meter that runs out about 5000 metres and tends to keep things grounded. And he is still happy to dish out a backhander if needed. And the great cosmic joke is that the Left grew out of the labor movement, yet all these men are the labor movement.

I invite you to check out my "Good Bloke, Not Woke!" Podcast on Spotify.

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Living in Aus, I’m very grateful for people like yourself KK and also Peter Boghossian who visited here last year, who have both said very similar things about how far we are along the woke continuum compared with the US/UK etc

I suspect what may happen is that given we’re very exposed to what happens in the US/UK (peak woke soon?), plus the Voice vote last year…ordinary, everyday Aussies are becoming much more aware of the threat, and as we always seem to do, get lucky again and course correct before things get as bad as overseas

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As an Australian, what worries me is how much of that apathy is born out of ignorance. So many here truly believe that any culture war story is an exaggeration or something that only happens on the other side of the world and truly believe that the ABC is completely unbiased.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 21

I believe that Australia is about 25 years behind both the UK and the USA. IA great read is "The Fourth Turning is Here" buy Neil Howe. It proposes a Generational progression that is highly predictive of our current situation. Australia is the Lucky country in never having had a war fought on their own territory. So they have gone through the Turnings at a slower pace. When I lived in Melbourne in 2001 , it had the second highest violent crime rate in the world (along with the second highest consumption of bear per capita in the world). My rental property in South Melbourne had every kind of security system including a big blue light on the roof of the home. I am glad to hear that they have become safer in the past 22 years. btw, the media was not allowed to speak of the crime except for an ABC reprt at 10pm on Sunday nights.

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Welcome to back to Civilization :) enjoyed your down under engagements as well as they appeared on youtube. But you should get the staff on Trig to be a little more diligent at posting and keeping track of your activities and appearances as they become available. I do wonder apart from what looked like a painful encounter with an Australian oopsy daisy also known as a boomerang did you have any unwanted encounters with the Australian wildlife ?

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Well said! It’s very true that Australians can be quite apathetic about politics (to our detriment) as we are blessed with such a safe, prosperous country. We also avoid the extremes of politics in our federal and state governments by virtue of our compulsory, preferential voting system. But our society is under pressure with growing government debt, a rising cost of living, record immigration creating an affordable housing crisis, and increasing culture wars. Will be interesting to see how we respond over the next few years. Australians largely failed to live up to the challenge of resisting all the various manifestations of the Covid hoax. What will we do when the next (manufactured) crisis hits?

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deletedMar 11
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