
Alright, that's it everyone - thank you for playing!!!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Happy birthday KK! Sorry to be so late to the party 🎉 🍾 ✈️ 🎅🏻

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

There is now a worrying number of conservative intellectuals openly mocking Zelensky and Ukraine, in what appears to be Biden Derangement Syndrome making it very hard for many like me on the right to find sane voices to read. Do you think there is a chance of making these people see reason and the importance of supporting Ukraine or are they as lost as the Democrats were to TDS after 2016. This week alone has had me drop 10 or so people from my reading list including Rubin and Sargon.

And happy Birthday KK :)

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You cannot reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. They neither know nor care about Zelensky or Ukraine, they're just partisan influencers hunting for clicks.

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I worry about this. On Twitter when I post something supporting Ukraine or just commenting on a Russian atrocity I will get folk replying that Zelensky is corrupt, Gay, a cross dresser, money laundering for the Bidens, a dictator, closing down free speech and the church. It’s obvious to me that these are all pro Russian propaganda tropes and I wonder why it’s not to these people who I believe are otherwise good and upright folk.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Why is the world afraid/slow to admit Jewish people have been some of the most oppressed in world history but always find a way within a generation of righting the ship and living a good standard of life to be admired? Isn’t their continuous rise something to admire and emulate? How does this play into victim culture?

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Did you see my post about Kanye West's antisemitism on here? Explains everything!

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Thomas Sowell is the greatest American intellect that most Americans have never heard of. Gotta love mainstream media.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Awesome. Saw the title but missed it. Thank you good sir.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What were you thinking at the time (and how do you feel now) about Sam Harris' comments on your podcast justifying censorship for political goals? (Also, you definitely earned a new watcher off that one. Love your stuff.)

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I found his view shocking tbh.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Walter Williams once asked Friedrich A. Hayek what Hayek would choose "if he could propose one law that would help restore, promote, and preserve liberty [in the US]. Hayek answered that the law would read: Congress shall enact no law that does not apply equally to all Americans." What would be your one law for the UK?

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Outlaw any form of legal discrimination or preferential treatment for people based on identity markers, i.e. legislate to end and ban DIE in every form.

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Ditch the protected characteristics in the Equslity Act?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

How do we make politicians represent what their constituents want rather than what their party wants?

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Vote them out.

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Hah !

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Why is the corruption that pervades politics not seen as a threat to democracy? Specifically, the corruption I'm referring to is the capture of our institutions and politicians of both parties by large donors. In some sense democracy is already dead and elections are just theater.

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I think it is seen that way by people who understand what's going on.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Merry Christmas and all best wishes for 2023. Love Triggernometry, it really knocks MSM into a cocked hat. What are you most looking forward to on the channel.

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Releasing some of the interviews we recorded in the last 2 weeks - they are absolutely incredible.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Hi, I was wondering if you can comment on the general craziness that is going on in German politics at the moment. The strange non-existent coup d'etat" that never happened (allegedly by 25 retired people), the self-made energy crises by simultaneously cutting of nuclear, coal, gas etc.) Why is Germany so prone to going crazy?

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I think a lot of it has to do with policy-making based on guilt and shame from WW2.

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When pondering why things are said and done, officially, that don't make good sense, don't overlook the obvious. A high-percentage path to find how things fit together is "Where might monetary benefit come into play?" I know the Clinton's are deeply compassionate about the plight of Haitians, but somehow their foundation's huge $ allocation to help them managed to fall into the hands of bogus companies owned by Clinton insiders and or relatives. And the amount of money that the Clinton Foundation administers is tiny compared to the wealth redistributions to be channeled through politicians' hands under the guise of climate agendas.

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Why isn't Europe more afraid? It's so scary. One day it will turn around. Maybe this winter, when the lights go out. It is a lot more severe than the usual craziness somewhere else, as it is so ideological.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Who is directing the FBI to act against traditional / conservative Americans? Is it the same entity that is pulling Biden’s strings and who pulled Obama’s strings?

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No idea.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Has the "sceptical" (to say the least) reaction of some conservative members of your audience and peergroup to the West's support for Ukraine made you worry that the political right might be starting to go a little over the top in their paranoia about both local and world politics?

We saw this happen post-Brexit; then during Covid - when you yourself expressed scepticism over received wisdom re. vaccination - and now the same crowd seem increasingly vocal in their conviction that the war in Ukraine is basically some giant money-laundering scheme.

Does this trend worry you at all?

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I think a lot of people are showing their true colours by commenting on something they don't understand.

I try not to judge them and just learn for myself by asking myself where I might have done that in the past. It's one of the reasons I have stopped doing panel shows on TV where I am asked for my opinion about loads of things that are not in my area of expertise.

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Why hasn't the UK Government created a domestic energy market for domestically generated and purchased energy. Price it at production plus 15% for the next two years and give domestic purchases priority over resale of excess on the international market. This would reduce energy price inflation overnight and only requires an act of parliament that I can't see anyone voting against (also Merry Christmas and safe travels)

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I think they are so wedded to Net Zero they don't want us to produce any energy domestically unless it's made out of 100% recycled unicorn farts.

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😭 It just bugs me that domestic energy (oil, gas, solar, wind powered by unicorn farts or otherwise) appears to be priced all the same. Despite that causing a massive inflation impact, associated suffering, and all in the interest of having a 'free' market. Anyway I must put my Grinch back in the box 😁

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Any plans for a Toronto show? Cheers

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Not at the moment, sorry!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

If the wokesters Win, where do we line in the UK.

USA citizens have Florida.

Should we be looking to secure our own Atlantis here.

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Florida LOL

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Moving to Sicily.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Another question - sorry - we are very concerned about the info our children get at school - CRT and gender etc - how are you going to play this when Nikolai goes? Will you demand to see the lesson plans that they refuse to show parents for example?

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I learned in my Soviet childhood that society can push any crap it wants on children but if you prepare them mentally to reject it they'll be fine.

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You just teach them the critical thinking skill and hope they learn. There is no prediction how they will turn out. I was the only one among my friends and classmates, including Jews, who decided to leave the country at the age of 19. Long time ago, in the 70s. Some of them are still there cheering for the war. We all grew up together, children of Soviet “intelligencia”. Every individual decides for themselves.

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You sort of have to have a vague idea of what they’re pushing though don’t you? And do you tell the child to keep quiet or to state their divergent opinion?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Is there any point at which you think the BBC will be forced to cover the Twitter files, or do you think they will continue to ignore the story no matter what is revealed until it dies away?

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I doubt they will cover it unless other big mainstream publications do.

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Black Lives Matter/Critical Race Theory has imploded due to corruption and incoherent policies that made crime much worse. Will the same happen with Gender Ideology?

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It's already happening!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Do you happen to know who said something like "everyone is conservative about the thing that they know the most about/are most involved in"?

I thought it might have been Douglas Murray and as yours is the podcast I listen to most, thought you might know. I work with horses and there is a new brigade of 'modern' 'evangelical thinkers' coming after my industry. I now know exactly what that thought above means, but not who said it. Cx

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That is Robert Conquest's first law.

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Thank you Konstantin. I shall lay down my shovel of shit and go off to Google this immediately. Safe travels. Cx

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Will we ever see Vlad Vexler on Triggernometry?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What’s the one thing we aren’t talking about?

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That Net Zero is suicidal madness done for the sake of ideology.

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I think a lot of people are thinking about this. I think the problem is that the politician class either aren’t, or simply don’t care.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What the most surprising thing you’ve discovered about yourself since becoming a parent?

And 🎁Happy Birthday!🎁 by the way!!

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Thank you, EBL.

Most surprising thing is I always thought dads only start to enjoy parenthood when the kids are old enough to talk but I have loved it from the outset.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

It’s when they start to talk that things really go downhill

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Awww! Have a lovely Christmas, despite the delays! Much ❤️ to Family Kisin!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Merry christmas 🤶 🎄

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Are we witnessing am American governing class that is now completely detached from the governed? Witness the billions of dollars now being through blindly at Ukraine and pronouncements of regime change in Russia. All the data I’ve seen indicates that American voters support none of this. On the other hand, most Americans are concerned about illegal immigration across our southern border. That is the last thing our government seems interested in addressing.

The head of the Fed openly states a goal of reducing wages. Spending at the Federal level seems completely detached from reality. Thoughts?

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Support for Ukraine is very high in the US. Attempting to conflate this issue with the border crisis is disingenuous - the border problem is real and should have been dealt with ages ago. The fact that it is not currently solved is ideological and nothing to do with Ukraine.

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If you talk to the corporate types you might be led to believe that support for funding Ukraine is high. My rather prominent employer has a page on our website devoted to it. Not sure why. This sentiment is not reflected among the population. You also cannot conflate sympathy for average Ukrainian’s suffering with support for endless funding of a war with an indeterminate chance of success.

As a smart fellow said, you might want to figure out why you lost the last war before you start the next one.

Americans also have sympathy for these hapless refugees crossing our borders. That doesn’t mean we want them here.

That is the whole point of my question. I am sure you look at polls and whatnot. But how much rime do you spend talking to and listening to actual Americans? I’m not sure our government does much listening.

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Thank you, Konstantin! You talking about Ukraine is so important! It was also a huge support for me during these dark times.

Wish you great holidays with your family!

P.S. My youngest son is also a Kostya, after my dad 😊

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Merry Xmas Konstantin. Bummer you stuck in a airport. Keep up the good work 👏 much appreciate your critical thinking on many topics.

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When you have long layovers in an airport, do you keep to yourself or meet new people?

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Mostly depends on what I feel like doing. I used to be quite shy but once I trained myself to be able to strike up a conversation it's an active choice about how I want to spend my time.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas, I'm sorry you are stuck at the airport.

What, in your outlook on life, has changed most since becoming a father?

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Oh, way too many things to list here. I think I am extra determined now to stand up for what I believe.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Do you think you would invest time in writing a "stop it letter" to those in the west that hate the west? Sort of a partner to your previous book...

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Writing books is high investment, very low payoff financially unfortunately. For now, I am going to pour all my writing into this Substack and see how I feel later.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Would you ever come to the Channel Islands to visit? We have great history and beautiful scenery, especially in Summer. Would be great trip for Little K one day.

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I was in Guernsey and Dark easier this year!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I missed that! Hope you had a great time.

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It was brilliant! Loved the different pace of life!

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Are you Guernsey because I am!

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Yep. We've met from twitter in the past. (Sebire). Hope you're having a good Christmas x

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Thought it was you! Did you see Andrew Doyle is in Sark?

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I hadn't so just took a look. What a funny coincidence!

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Are you and Francis keeping up with news about vaccine side-effects and further roll-outs of them in spite of that, and might you have somebody on Trig to discuss the concerns people have about these, e.g. Dr Robert Malone?

Happy birthday by the way!

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We talked about this with Jay Bhattacharya. We will have future guests on to talk about COVID as well.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Merry Christmas, Chanukkah Sameach Konstantin. As an ex Soviet citizen, how do I convince my 30 year old son that socialism is not much better than Nazism?

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Buy him a copy of my book. 😉

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Will do bro. How do I buy a signed copy? Oh and Happy Birthday mate. You guys are the best.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Describe the ideal teacher for your child.

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Someone who teaches him to think for himself while grounding him in data AND intuition.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Favourite UK comedians?

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Jerry Sadowitz

Simon Evans

Fin Taylor

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Never heard of Fin, will have to find out more.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What's your favourite film?

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Cloud Atlas

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I love that flawed masterpiece too. Nice to see Rachel Dolezal playing some of the parts. Happy birthday, KK.

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Have you read the book? Genius!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

How do we challenge the rising waves of religious fundamentalism occurring around the world?

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By re-embracing Enlightenment values and defending them at a legislative and cultural level.

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How do we prevent the Enlightenment problem of oppressing others with an insistence on one vision of the world? America had justification to oppress indigenous people because of a unique combination and Enlightenment values and Puritanical culture.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I thought we were celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. If we're celebrating yours, too, make mine a double, please.

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Regardless of how bad or anthropogenic climate change is, what do you think of the idea that we cannot have exponential economic growth forever in a world with finite resources? Do you think we'll eventually have to find ways to live within our means?

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Technology is the answer. You will never get people to accept being poor when they could be richer.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Happy Birthday

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I observed Yeltsin's Russia upfront in the early 90s, life under Putin now cannot be as comparably bad, convince me otherwise.

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Good and bad are a question of taste.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

If your are so concerned about cancel culture and free speech why don’t you interview Richard Sakwa or John Mearshiemer on Russia so we can see another perspective of the conflict rather than the war propaganda we hear at the moment

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Because we have invited Meirsheimer on half a dozen times?

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Get Richard Sakwa or Alexander Mercouris on, I can see you avoid talking to dissenters on policy towards Russia

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So I just told you we invited the main dissenter and your conclusion is that we avoid talking to them? Weird.

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How would you define the difference between autonomy & independence in reference to countries in a global 'economy' & communication? I ask as beleaguered, confused Scot ?

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I am not sure what you mean. Can you clarify?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Happy Birthday Konstantin! Sorry to hear you are stuck at airport. Love Triggernometry. Just keep doing what you do… you are cutting through xxx

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From one Russian Jew to another:

С рождеством, Константин!

What are your favourite Soviet films?

Sorry you're stuck at the airport. Thanks so much for all the Triggernometry videos - they often make my day!


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My mum makes me watch old Soviet films which I hate generally but I am a big fan of Белое Солнце Пустыни.

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Thanks for your reply - I haven't seen that one and will check it out.

My mum made me watching them growing up. I'm a big fan of Ирония судьбы, and my favourite film quote of all time is "Каждый год мы с друзьями ходим в баню... моемся."

If you haven't seen it, it is the ultimate New Year treat.

I hope your flight comes soon!

Take care,


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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath?

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You could play me the best song of each band and I couldn't tell you which is which...

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😂 at least you were honest 👍 as an expansion of that question though, socioeconomic and political turmoil/upheaval/unrest etc. usually spawns fantastic counterculture movements and music although we don’t seem to be seeing that type of movement right now (doesn’t seem to be an underground music scene of angry young people making antiestablishment bangers for example) - any thoughts on why we’re not seeing a big musical revolution from our youth considering the mood is clearly ripe for it?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Democratic crises in the West: Time to revisit Cleisthenes and the reforms he introduced into ancient Athens to recreate a sense of us?

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No idea.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

I know it's early, but are you and your wife thinking about public or private schooling for your son, which option are you leaning towards and why?

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It is early. We live in an area with good grammar schools so that would be one option. If we can afford it (currently we cannot), it's either grammar or private for me.

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My best friends son went to TW Boys Brammar

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Realistically when do you think Cannabis will be legalised in the UK - or is it a lost cause?

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I don't know. I think it will be decriminalised in my lifetime but probably not in the next 10 years. As for legalisation, I don't know if I will live to see that.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Where you headed?

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Happy birthday and stay safe! I hear the civil war there is never ending.

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You too! The coincidental timing's quite ironic.

Have a fabulous day. :)

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What do most Russian Jews you know tell their kids at home while growing up concerning identity? How much Russian? How much Jewish?

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I don't know any Jews in Russia who emphasise their ethnic identity over their national one. Identity politics wasn't done in Russia in anything like the same way when I lived there.

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Leaving modern notions of identity politics aside, Judaism only exists today because Jews have perpetually been able to maintain their identify in the midst of gentiles.

What form does that magic take in modern Russia? Or maybe it doesn't happen any more, in which case can we expect Russian Jewry to slowly fade away?

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

What do you think of Greece’s bankruptcy and was it the test run for the worlds current situation?

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I don't know anything about it. I just assumed you Greeks love a party more than you like working 😂

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Konstantin Kisin

Both can right simultaneously 😜

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Touche! 😂

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