Thank you for all your questions, appreciate it guys! The hour is up - have an awesome day!

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Just missed this! Have a great day. Love your work. Carry on!!

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When will we get magazine type subscriptions on substack. I cannot possibly subscribe to everyone in every channel.

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Hello KK, not got a question just wanted to congratulate you on your continued success.

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Thank you!

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A wish for Triggernometry - a guest specializing in Russian information warfare from Soviet era up til now! Great newsletter, great podcast!!

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I wish we could get Yuri Bezmenov on!!! :)

But I'll get our guest booker to look into this.

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Greetings comrade. Would love to join! I am an American “person of color” who honors Yuri through this substack by writing about how to subvert the subversion he warned us about.

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Will do! Here is a podcast I did with my father about his experiences growing up in the Chinese Cultural Revolution: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/cultural-revolution-podcast-father#details

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@Yuri Bezmenov ‘s voice needs to penetrate the iron curtain!

Shameless plug: if you ever want a guest on talking about EMF - I’d be happy to join and/or at least point you in the right direction in terms of info. I’m all about solutions.

Attached is an example of an article I wrote.


(I also write for Children’s Health Defense Canada and Safe Living Tech, and am connected with other EMF researchers around the globe like @Arthur Firstenberg.)

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Excellent idea!

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and the cry went out across the land “we want Yu-ri! we want Yu-ri!” ;-)

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Hi, just to say how much I enjoyed your book Love Letter. Brilliant! and such an important wake-up call to the West to protect what they have.

On with the good work.

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Is there anything you feel optimistic about?

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Great question!

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Is there any personality, any leader, anyone at all that you have either met or know that can and would be a revolutionary, trailblazing leader in the UK. This question is against the backdrop of sheer hopelessness one feels when seeing our parliamentarians and leaders of existing establishments act without any courage or conviction against the loud and virtuous mobs!

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I must be honest and say "no".

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What about Nigel?

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That's a good point. The problem with Nigel Farage is that he is quite deliberately locked out of mainstream politics and as long as we have the electoral system we do there's simply no way for him to get anywhere near power. But he's the closest we have to that sort of leader.

That said, I do think if he was Prime Minister quite a few of his economic policies would be very unpopular with a lot of his own base. I say this as someone who agrees with him on economics btw, but a low tax, small government approach just doesn't seem to be of interest to many people nowadays. People in Britain have become entirely convinced that the government is the answer to all their problems.

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How do people look at the mess all around them, created by government, and conclude that the government is the answer to all their problems? I do not understand.

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KK - in New Zealand, the voters roundly rejected the majority Labour Government who were persuing a typical tax, spend and borrow 'woke' policy agenda.

We now have a three party coalition government, that have signed an agreed agenda for the 3 year parliamentary term,which is available to all , enabling voters to chart progress and hold them to account.


It's a watershed in the MMP electoral system in NZ, that has been the electoral system since the 1996 election.

That said, while it's not a solution to various political ills it does encourage and facilitate coalition Governments - in NZ National is the party of the status quo, usually just tinkering and not changing much for Labour-led Governments, so the other two parties in the current Government help drag it more towards the center right..

Perhaps electoral reform may help in the UK, at least to bring in new blood and new thinking instead of the resigned group think and managed decline that permeates not only the UK but western countries generally?

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That is really discouraging!

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I'm ab American who loved Britain. This makes me so sad.

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Any chance you will feature more Canadian content? It's crazy here. I enjoy Francis with the Kermit sounding Canadian accent.

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How do we reform the civil service so that it implements government policies?

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Elect someone like Javier Milei. When I talk to mainstream politicians they are completely resigned about the power of the civil service to stifle their agenda.

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My personal view is that we need to bring in performance management. Starting at the top and working down. The top 20% are rewarded and the bottom 20% put on an improvement plan and have weekly meetings with their boss - those that don’t achieve their plan are let go within 6 months.

It’s not pleasant but it’s necessary.

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Big question:

What will constitute a meaningful life once AI takes over?

Jobs left will be in IT and regulatory bodies.

Shall humanity just eat and drink and be happy?

Will humans feel satisfied and meaningful in that world? Purposeful?

Sorry, feeling a bit gloomy on this wonderful sunny day!

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Humans will never feel happy or satisfied by eating and drinking and consuming. Life is suffering. Life is struggle. Without that, there can be no meaning. But, like all disruptive technology, I think AI will simply change the nature of the challenges we face. We will find new struggles and new challenges to overcome.

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To live is to suffer.

To survive is to find meaning in the suffering. - Nietzche

True wisdom comes from the overcoming of suffering and sin. All true wisdom is therefore touched with sadness. - Whittaker Chambers

The suffering is what makes us. So many people seem to think that this life should just be an endless picnic. It's not.

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Where in that verse does it say to offer yourselves a living sacrifice to world leaders? It says to offer yourselves a living sacrifice (to God), which is reasonable service to the One who knit you together in your mother’s womb, the One who sent His Son as a sacrifice for your salvation.

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The love we share with Jesus and our brothers and sisters will end our suffering. That’s the plan. We must resist all those who oppose peace, that is wisdom. Those that could end suffering but choose not to out of pride and vengeance. Those that divide us for their own benefit. We must resist. Never liked that quote from Romans. Not very empowering, but that’s just me. We all follow Him differently but we are all united by Him regardless of our path.

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I don't really think I understood that Romans verse until I read a quote from Jim Elliott - He is no fool to gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.

Offer your body, offer your life, as a sacrifice. It's not yours to keep anyway. As Ecclesiastes points out, we are all going to the same end. It is how we choose to get there that may differ.

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That’s what our world leaders want from us. How convenient for them that we’re already programmed to sacrifice and suffer for their gain. I think I’ll pass and fight against it rather than submit.

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Those that value suffering haven’t truly suffered. Struggle is not the same as suffering. When you’ve suffered greatly you would never recommend it as being valuable in any way. This is a Christian myth. Just like sacrifice. Jesus wants you to struggle, learn, and grow but He does not want you to suffer or be sacrificed as He was. That’s what other humans want from you, not Jesus.

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As a person who has suffered intensely for over 30 years, I strongly disagree with you. You think that people who suffer do not struggle? The struggle goes hand in hand with the suffering. Furthermore, we are commanded in Romans 12:1-2 – "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Do you believe that conforming to the world is merely struggle but not suffering? Of course it's suffering!

Those who don't value suffering have never truly suffered. As Chambers' quote implies, those who have not suffered don't know wisdom. You are proving his point.

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I have suffered greatly as well, and I respectfully disagree. Peace be with you and hopefully we don’t continue to suffer any longer.

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I don’t like it, the suffering. I’ve fought against it all this time; I think that’s part of the struggle that comes with suffering as well. The two seem to be companions.

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Would you agree that for all the ways that things can go wrong in the world there exists as many ways for things to go unexpectedly well?

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Hi KK - do you have any advice for someone considering starting a SubStack? How would you go about growing yours if you were starting from scratch without an online presence? Thanks in advance!

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Say what you truly believe in an interesting way. The audience will find you eventually. When you start out it can be tempting to compare your audience size with others and feel down but remember that the purpose of writing is to get your thoughts out there, not to make money/have clout etc.

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Can you give some insight into what your average day looks like? E.g. Time you get up, exercise routines, whether you have a consistent writing schedule etc.

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I am a bit of a night owl and often write my best stuff between 8 and 11PM. I usually go to bed at midnight, wake up at 8AM.

I drink a Vitamin C Zooki in some warm water and take various supplements. Sparing you details, it gets my digestive system going :)

Shower, with cold/hot contrast to wake me up, followed by protein heavy breakfast. Coffee after + 11 min Wim Hof breathwork in the garden afterwards.

Then the day is usually a mix of writing/meetings/Triggernometry interviews/reading.

I've been neglecting the gym lately as I've not been very well but generally I go for lots of walks and do cardio 2-3 times a week. I used to do weights in my 20s but it never really appealed to me.

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On your recent podcast with Douglas Murray he compared the illegal settlements in Israel with legal migration by Asians/Africans/Arabs to the UK. Could you elaborate on how legal migration from the Commonwealth to the UK is similar to the violent dispossession of Palestinians that our current Foreign Sec Lord Cameron admonished the Israelis for?

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What’s been your most eye opening moment in politics? I.e. when you realized something was very wrong?

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Any chance of you guys talking to Yanis Varoufakis? He may be a confirmed Marxist but his thoughts on the rise of techno feudalism are really interesting. I’d love to see you interview him.

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I have actually hosted debates he has been a part of. We have invited him on but he hasn't agreed to come on so far...

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