You have likely already read reports from the mainstream media about the "Nazi rally" President Trump held at New York's iconic Madison Square Garden last night. Many of these articles appear to have been written by journalists who wisely avoided the menacing event and reported on it from the safety of their own basements.
I am not a real journalist, however, so having read that literally Hitler was gathering some of America’s worst reprobates in the heart of New York for a rally of hate I did something very old-fashioned: I went to see it with my own eyes. And what I witnessed at the event was truly shocking.
By the time I arrived at midday, people had been standing in line since early morning. The diversity of Nazis on display was unbelievable: Black Nazis, Latino Nazis, Asian Nazis, white Nazis, female Nazis and lots and lots of Jewish Nazis were all assembled in an orderly line, chatting politely to each other and cracking jokes. It was terrifying.
Across the road, kept at bay by the few police who sadly haven't been defunded yet, was a handful of mostly peaceful protestors. They were there to "save democracy" by demanding that the democratically-elected leader of one of America’s two major parties be thrown in prison. In contrast with the fascists I found myself amongst, whose amicable and respectful demeanour was truly outrageous, the peaceful anti-hate protestors were angry and confrontational, screaming in the faces of those of us standing in line. "Enjoy your Nazi rally," one furious man courageously shouted at a family with young children.
Despite these attempts to save democracy from the voters, after several hours queuing we eventually made it inside where the horror show truly began. Reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's rallies, the event opened with a stand-up comedian telling a few jokes – straight out of the Nazi playbook! The hateful comic made fun of everyone: celebrities, Israelis, Palestinians and even Puerto Ricans. It made me want to reach for a comfort animal but the person closest to me was a woman in a hijab and I didn't want to commit a hate crime by hugging her without consent.
By the time I came to my senses, a radio personality called Sid Rosenberg was on stage. Hmm, Rosenberg, I thought to myself. Typical Nazi name. He had apparently just returned from Israel which he claimed both he and the President support. I couldn't help noticing that every time he mentioned Israel the Nazi scum, who had by this point filled the stadium to the rafters, cheered and clapped. "This is just like one of Hitler's rallies," I said to the man next to me who was wearing some sort of skullcap. He laughed as if I'd said something funny and resumed cheering, holding up his bigoted "Jews for Trump" sign.
A succession of other prominent speakers followed, all of whom made terrible, offensive comments like "We love America," "America is the greatest country in the world!" and "Ask yourself, are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?". This obviously made me extremely uncomfortable: everyone knows America is better off now than it was under Trump because, thanks to DEI, the country finally has a black female Vice President. But, horrifyingly, the people around me seemed to think that being unable to afford groceries mattered more. I could barely contain my disgust.
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This was all getting very scary so I went to hide in a toilet cubicle for several minutes to regain my strength. As expected, the venue didn't have any gender-fluid restrooms, so I had to sit in the men's room listening to Nazi after Nazi wash their hands and make hateful small talk. "Isn't this fun?," I heard one of them say. "Not if you're a person of colour" I wanted to screech from the safety of my stall. By the time I eventually returned to my seat, a black man was on stage talking about the need to overcome America's complicated history of racism and sexism to move forward together. "WHAT ABOUT TRANSPHOBIA?" I screamed at the top of my lungs but instead of stopping and checking their privilege, the Nazis kept on rallying.
After venting about "illegals" for what seemed like hours, they eventually wheeled out illegal-in-chief, Elon Musk. How stupid are these people? I couldn't help thinking. Can they not see that a student who drops out of college to start a business and a gang member who crosses the southern border to murder Americans are basically the same? But Nazis gonna Nazi so they went crazy for Musk, the man who ended democracy by allowing people to express their opinions online without censorship.
By the time Trump came on stage, it was nearing 8PM and I was too angry to concentrate on what he was saying. It was all deeply hateful, of course, and he was incredibly orange. I stumbled out of the venue in a daze. It was dark and, as we all know, democracy dies in darkness.
Konstantin, you made us laugh out loud. Thank you, we all need your humor right now. I’ve shared it, so good.
Have a nice lie down sir. You’ve had a rough day. Hopefully someone can get you an emotional support ferret and a cup of tea straight from the microwave.