I’ve had to keep this one quiet for a while but, as you can imagine, I am delighted to be joining Jordan on his “We Who Wrestle With God Tour”.
The brief he gave me is that he wants me as a prominent agnostic to challenge, if I can, the conclusions that he has reached about the role of faith, religion and God in real time.
We’ll be together on 9 separate dates over the next few weeks in the following US cities:
Nashville, NYC, New Orleans, OKC, Fort Worth, El Paso, Sugar Land, Tulsa and Austin.
Buy tickets at: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/events/
Hope to see you there!
You are skyrocketing. Please stay sane.
Dear KK I’m posting this here because of your topic. I’m a prof in Toronto and have been suspended for four months because I responded to a LI poster calling for the extermination of Israel in which I said I stood with Israel and that Hamas are Nazis. A Palestinian prof and students who are overt and public anti semites (hundreds of posts) filed a human rights complaint and it has spun out of control. I’m about to be fired. I’m no Jordan Peterson and I need this job. I’m 59 and will not get hired elsewhere. A mob has risen up against me, they are so dishonest and unethical and with uni justice if people lie the evidentiary standard is very low and you can be fired based on a lie. I’m standing my ground and I will not back down. Soon it will become more a media issue. I’m looking for anyone, obviously Jordan has more reach, to support me. Here is a copy of a Canadian columnist writing on https://www.google.com/search?q=ivison+and+finlayson&rlz=1CDGOYI_enCA677CA747&oq=ivison+and+finlayson&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTIxMzQ5ajBqOagCAbACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
My substack tracks much of this hellish ordeal it’s amazing how many “friends” have bailed.